Anja Lehner - Riding Instructor

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flag: Germany




About me

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I am currently studying international technical business administration in Esslingen (BSc.). Besides my studies, I have worked in many companies as a student trainee or intern to get a good picture of where I see myself after my studies. From small start-ups, to great medium-sized companies, to large corporations, I have been able to experience quite a bit.

In that time, I've found that my passion is entrepreneurship! I am now strategically involved in our family businesses, Lehner Agrar GmbH and Lehner Maschinenbau GmbH. I am also the founder of my own start-up, which is still in its early stages.

My heart also beats higher for social issues! That is why I have been involved with Rotaract Ulm e.V. since 2020. Since 2021, I have been a member of the board and am responsible for social affairs. There I can create great social projects together with my friends.

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My Experience

Riding CV



IPZV Gangreitabzeichen (Bronze)


IPZV Basispass Pferdekunde


IPZV Reitabzeichen (Bronze)


IPZV Freizeitreitabzeichen (Bronze)


IPZV Reitabzeichen (Silber)


IPZV Longierabzeichen, Stufe II


Ehrenurkunde für herausragende sportliche Leistungen, IPZV Süd e.V


IPZV Sachkundenachweis Pferdehaltung


IPZV Reitabzeichen (Gold)


IPZV Trainer C


IPZV Sportrichter-Anwärter


IPZV Trainer B-Anwärter


IPZV Jungpferdebereiter-Anwärter


Other Success:

LK1 in 100m Pace, Pace race, Pacetest, Trail & Dressage

LK2 in Four gate








Gold 100m Pace & Silver Pace Test

Calling in the regional youth Squad

Multiple BW champion


5. Place P3 & 6. Place PP1


6. Place P2 & 3. Place P3


2. Place P3

Member of the German Equipe for FEIF Youth Cup, international competion Netherlands

First german adults championship in the age of 17 years, Middle placements in P2, P3 &PP1

Participation german adults championship with two horses

3. Place YR/ 14. Place overall PP1

1. Place YR/ 10. Place overall P3


My Riding Background

I spent many of my school holidays until 2015 at the breeding farm Burrishof in Nürtingen. There I was allowed to help with the daily stable work and work with the horses and learn a lot. The trainers Annette Single, Miriam Schaich and Lisa-Marie Schwarz supported me in my development. Since 2016 I have spent my school holidays at what was then the Icelandic horse stud farm Wiesenhof. There I was able to learn a lot from Bernhard Podlech, Dani Gehmacher and the team. I was able to learn a lot through an exciting combination of training my two own horses and training support at the Wiesenhof. I have always found teaching exciting. I was given the opportunity to sit and listen to the riding instructors during riding lessons. The exchange with the riding instructor also helped me a lot. Otherwise, I trained my two horses myself in a private stable near Ulm. Svenja Braun was able to support me at home and oversee the training.

I made a living from trying out the content learned in courses myself, so I was able to develop well as a rider and had many successes at Icelandic horse competition. To this day I am proud of the independence, especially without training my horses. I made a lot of mistakes, but I was able to grow from the mistakes both as a rider and as a person. I learned from the mistakes and today I often know how to start better from the beginning.

Through the youth squad BW I had the great opportunity to learn from many exciting coaches. In 2019 after I finished my school career. I had the opportunity to work full-time for half a year at the then Icelandic horse stud farm Wiesenhof. During this time I was strongly challenged and formed. Today I am a mobile trainer and offer my services in the Ulm and Stuttgart area. I also work on an hourly basis at the Icelandic horse center in Stuttgart, where I offer riding lessons and training.

In addition to my two main horses, Hylling vom Burrishof, which I bought from the Burrishof when she was five years old, and Snarfari frá Vidinesi, which I bought from the Füchtenschnieder family, I always have a young horse. I really enjoy working with the young horses. Molding and training a horse that has not yet been trained and seeing the change is glorious! In 2022, I was invited for the first time by the BW state association to lead the course for promoting children's talent. I really enjoy working with children and their horses!

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My Projects and Memberships

  • Organizer and initiator of the project "Trainers for Trainers" (from the cooperation of the Ü21-Perspektive BW and the Jugendkader BW)

  • Membership Ü21 Perspective BW

  • Membership Wiesenhof Youth Support Team

  • Membership IPZV Süd e.V.EO

My horses Hrafn & Snarfari

My Services


Riding Lessons


Online Lessons




Ground Work


Weekend Courses


Theory Seminars


Tournament Judge


Competition Support


Horse Purchase Consulting

Learn more below

Riding Lessons

I am happy to teach anyone! No matter if children, young adults or older people. The level of knowledge does not matter. From the beginner, to the recreational rider, to the ambitious rider, I pick up everyone where they are at the moment and work towards the desired goals.

Basic requirement is an own horse or a riding participation. I do not have riding school horses, which I can make available for this purpose.

Depending on the customer's wishes, I teach units between 30min and 45min.

For regular riding lessons I offer to come as a mobile trainer. My radius includes:

Stuttgart, Esslingen, Geislingen (an der Steige) and Ulm.

The journey is remunerated accordingly in addition.

The first riding lesson

Especially in the first riding lesson I go into a more detailed analysis of horse and rider. At first I am the silent observer or ask questions. Then I like to test the horses myself. After getting a solid overview, I go into indivdual needs.

Online Lessons

Depending on the client's needs, I offer online lessons for clients I already know. I don't like to accept new clients for the digital option, to accept new clients I prefer personal contact first.


Breaking in/Further training your horses

Young horses need to be started gently. I start slowly with the horses so as not to overtax them. In addition, I always seek outside advice in order to have the current level of training and development assessed from the outside.

Correction of riding horses

Has the horse gotten into the habit of something the rider doesn't like, or a naughty behavior has surfaced.

Then I like to help in the communication. Through my correction of horses I want the rider-horse pair to good communication. With pleasure I take the horse in full riding!

Training-accompanying riding

So that the horse is trained further, I offer to ride your horse some times in the month. This way I can get a better overview of where further training approaches lie. I can train the horse further, suitable to the goals and the knowledge level of the rider.

Ground work

From the ground, challenges can often be addressed better or in a different way. I offer ground work according to the individual needs of the horse.

Weekend courses on various topics

To work intensively on a topic, I offer weekend courses. These can be under a special theme, such as:

- Dressage with Icelandic horses

- Trail

- Jumping

- Tölt

- Racepass basic school, or racepass for advanced riders

- Ground work

- Show preparation courses from the show beginner to the experienced show rider

- Test riding from the eye of a judge

- Fit through the terrain

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Or if there is interest also to other topics.

Theory seminars

To make it work even better in practice and to recognize connections, it is important to understand the theory behind it.

For this purpose, I prepare theory documents according to individual needs and wishes in order to explain the theory clearly.


As IPZV sport judge C I am available at the show as a neutral judge.

Competition support

When I am not on judging duty at the competition, I am available to provide support at the competition.

This can include:

- Test consulting

- Organizational consulting

- Training on the spot

- Accompanying the warm-up

- Analysis of the exam ride

- Re-examination and optimization proposals for future examinations

Horse purchase consulting

In order to take a new family member into the family, some things should be considered. I would be happy to help you find the right horse for your individual needs!

My services include coming along to the trial. Analyze how the horse rider pair fits together, or try out the horse yourself!

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Why Horses?

Horses are magnificent creatures, large and powerful in appearance. But they can be so gentle and warm-hearted. They are the mirror of the human soul.

I am always impressed how people manage to shape a horse non-verbally, purely through body language and movements. We can educate it in character, we can influence the gait mechanics and much more, all without words.

Riding is a true art, where you never stop learning! Every horse has its own character, as a good rider you can pick up every horse where it is mentally and psychologically. In my opinion you can learn a lot from horses. This can be transferred into the human everyday life and the interhuman relations. Not to forget the friends that riding gives me. I am fascinated by how two bodies move together at speed. They are almost as one. Without much visible help they make great movements together.




Fire and ice, Icelandic horse. Rough and gentle!

In my opinion Icelandic horses are a very special breed. At the age of six I came in contact with this breed for the first time. Nevertheless I started dressage and jumping on small and big horses. The character is insane!

Very affectionate and people-oriented, an Icelandic horse tries to conquer its human being. Each horse is different, but the horses are united by the fact that they can adapt to the person.

The gaits

Besides the three basic gaits, which every horse is predisposed to walk, Icelandic horses have two other gaits.

The Tölt and the pace. Both are very comfortable for the rider!



It doesn't matter what kind of student I have. Whether sport rider, leisure rider or beginner. I want to improve the communication between horse and rider!

In my eye, horse and rider are a couple that must act as friends. The basic requirement is that both understand each other, this without words. I help to improve the communication of the horse-rider pair in order to achieve the individual goals.

In my lessons fun is very important, riding should be fun for horse and rider. In the best case they communicate so well with each other that both get into a flow feeling.

Harmony and fun are the elementary things that make horse-rider pairs successful in my eyes!.



My passion in Icelandic horse riding - Riding through nature in a flow feeling, when two bodies move with each other. Getting better together in trust and feeling more and more fun.

Most of all I love to ride racepass with my mare Hylling from Burrishof. This is not a very frequent event, but it is pure joy every time!

At racing speed, flying over the ground as fast as I can. Reaction = action, merging together and giving everything.

Mutual trust and control, an insane feeling!



Hylling from Burrishof

The horse that has influenced me the most riding-wise, as well as personally!

I got my mare Hylling vom Burrishof when I was 11 years old. At that time Hylling was 6 years old and basic trained. Together we have developed, from the former child pony, which rode with me through the forest, to the best race pace horses in Germany!

At that time I was still quite young and had full responsibility for my horse. Since I come from a non- riding family, I therefore had to do a lot of the work on my own. Of course I had support of my parents, but it was my hobby and my responsibility in the end.

Quite early I learned to take care of Hylling and to look after them. Partly I was nothing so free, as other children, but with a certain organisiation read itself nevertheless everything always under a hat pack!

I am still amazed at what this horse is capable of! She is a real treasure!

She loves children and takes excellent care of them, being very well-behaved and careful. But underneath me, when she realizes we are about to pass, she becomes a rocket. Never without reason, but with a clear will from her that she now wants to perform! She always adapts to the rider who is riding her. With pleasure I have already put Hylling at the disposal of friends to learn from her.

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For further information, please contact me below


Stuttgart, Esslingen, Geislingen (an der Steige) and Ulm.



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